About Perviy kanal russia

Perviy kanal russia is a Live TV from Russia that broadcasts the most beautiful films, music, news and current affairs, FM radio, and talk shows programs and offers a rich tapestry of programming that spans a wide range of interests

Первый канал is the recognized leader of Russian television, the most popular and beloved Russian-language channel in the world.

Первый канал (until 2002 Public Russian Television) began broadcasting on April 1995 and became the successor to the state television and radio company Ostankino, which was the main broadcaster in the USSR and covered 99.8% of the Russian population. Having inherited not only the frequency but also the invaluable professional experience of its predecessors, Channel One quickly took a leading position among domestic television channels and holds it to this day.

Every day on the air of the First, the best entertainment shows, unique documentary programs, the latest news and analytics, the most high-profile films and television premieres, exclusive sports broadcasting and popular Russian music.

Winner of numerous international television awards, Channel One combines in a unique format innovative television broadcasting concepts, the richest domestic traditions, and current world trends. Operational, accurate information, large-scale film production, and original programs make the First standard of television quality worldwide, the first in popularity among viewers and major advertisers.

Channel One carefully monitors the ever-changing needs of the audience.

The mission of Channel One is to always be Channel One and give millions of people all over the world a first-class Russian television product.

FilmsMusicNews and current affairsRadioTalk shows

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